
Monday, 31 July 2017

Let's Dance

We are very lucky this term as we are learning to dance!  A dance teacher is going to come every week for 8 weeks and teach us some different dance moves.  We started with The Hokey Pokey song last week, we wonder what we will do this week? 

Modelling in Our Samoan and Tongan Costumes

As part of our Samoan and Tongan study, we had to present an item to the whole school so we decided to do modelling.  We had to practise walking to the music, posing and working with partners and as a class. 

On the day, we had to come back early from our morning tea break so we could change into our costumes.  We had to help each other and the ones who didn't have a costume shared with others. DJ introduced us to the school and our modelling began.  We walked with confidence and enjoyed showing off!

Parents Visiting Us and Our Displays in Room 3

Wow! We have had 6 parents visiting our classroom and going to room 3 to see our Samoan and Tongan display.  They said that they enjoyed looking at our work.  Thank you for supporting our learning.

We also went to look at other classes displays.  We learned some new information and enjoyed looking at what they had done.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Junior Skip Off

Congratulations to Otolose for coming second in the Junior Skip Off.

Our skip off finalists were Otolose, Aleki, Tulialo and Iosefo.  It was a tough competition.

 We then showed off our skipping skills to the parents.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Show and Tell

It was Christina and Joseph's turn to bring something to share with the class.  Christina brought her Tongan fan that her grandmother had given her and Joseph brought a magnifying glass.  We were really excited to look through the magnifying glass as everything seemed so close and big.


We were very lucky to have Steph as our taekwondo instructor this term. She taught us lots of different skills and on the last day, we got to break some boards.  There were 3 different types of boards to break, the green was the easiest one to break, followed by the white one then the hardest one to break was the yellow one.  

Joseph managed to break all 3 of them!!

Matariki Kites and Stars

As part of celebrating Matariki, we made Matariki stars using 4 stars in different sizes.  We used pastels to colour them then we placed them on top of each other and glued them.

We also made kites which we flew on the field.  We had to wait for the wind to blow first!!  It was very exciting to watch our kites fly.

Our video shows how much fun we had with our kites.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Celebrating Matariki with ti rakau, the Maori stick game

We joined with room 9 and Ms Riley on Thursday to learn how to play ti rakau sticks while singing  tītī tōrea.  We had to concentrate really hard so we could catch each others stick.

Lyrics for "E Papa Waiari"
E hine, hoki mai ra. 

1. E pāpā Waiari, 
Taku nei mahi 
Taku nei mahi,
He tuku roimata


Ē aue, ka mate au;
E hine hoki mai rā 
Ē aue, ka mate au;
E hine hoki mai rā 

2. Māku e kaute
Ō hīkoitanga 
Māku e kaute 
Ō hīkoitanga

We practised playing the ti rakau sticks before meeting room 9.

Bubble Fun

It is very tricky to blow bubbles!  We mixed dishwashing liquid with some water, dipped our hands in it, made foam by rubbing our hands together and gently blew it with our hands parted.  Some of us blew really big bubbles.  It was a lot of fun and we ended up with very clean hands too!!